
of interest

What the Bible Teaches About Homosexuality:
A Response to Revisionist, Pro-LGBTQI+ Theology

Title: What the Bible Teaches About Homosexuality:A Response to Revisionist, Pro-LGBTQI+ Theology 

Author: Teller Books

Year: 2022

Language: English

Specifications: 88 pages; 6.0 in. x 9.0 in., perfect paperback, full color cover, black & white interior

Price: $12.99 (paperback); $6.99 (eBook)


Back cover

Printed Book



Paperback: ISBN (13): 978-1-68109-101-3
Kindle/ePub: ISBN (13): 978-1-68109-102-0


In recent years, a pro-LGBTQI+ Christian movement has emerged that has adopted a revisionist theology that teaches that homosexuality is not a sin prohibited by the Bible. According to this movement, there is nothing in the Bible that brands homosexuality as sin; instead, the verses condemning homosexuality as sin in modern translations of the Bible are prohibiting not homosexual relations between loving, committed partners, but rather, pederasty and idolatry. This theology teaches that the Christian Church has allowed prejudice against homosexuals and cultural taboos to corrupt the teachings of the Church, resulting in scriptural misinterpretation and mistranslation.

The revisionists argue that the God who inspired the Bible allows sexual relations between same-sex couples and permits transgenderism and bisexuality within the context of loving, committed relationships. Revisionist church leaders and intellectuals have offered abundant arguments advocating for their position and for the abandonment of traditional teachings on marriage, which they brand as outdated and based on historic prejudices.

This book stands as a refutation and response to the revisionists. Standing on the solid ground of the Scripture, it scrutinizes the arguments of the revisionists and responds to them point-by-point. It critically examines and refutes the teachings of the most prominent proponents of pro-LGBTQ+ theology, including the Rev. Dr. Mel White and the Rev. Elder Don Eastman.

Seeking to correct the course of revisionist theologians, this book aims to set the Christian church back on the course of historic orthodox Christian teachings on gender, sex and marriage.

Cover art, “Sodom and Gomorrah,” © 2010 by W. David Lilley, Jr.

LogosLight™ imprint

The LogosLight™ imprint first started with the collection The Church Fathers Speak, a compilation of the voices of the early Church fathers and their teachings on sanctity and Christ-like living. This ancient wisdom guides the reader on the path to cultivating holiness that yields self-dominion, patience, and virtue.

LogosLight has since grown to encompass Christian poetry and inspirational books, translations of the Bible and Hebrew Scriptures, and various Christian records and Liturgies. LogosLight books also examine the role of Judeo-Christian thought on the formation of Western civic institutions, the moral foundations of just societies, and the role of faith in civil governance.

LogosLight books are divided into the following collections:


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